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Baby Chat - Reed Hall
20 July 2022
Starts: 13:30
Ends: 15:30

 A community *group run every 2 weeks aimed at supporting new parents in the area with opportunities for advice regarding feeding/ caring for their babies. There will be education themes, or there may not be (you choose) - antenatal breastfeeding preparation, combination feeding, feeding and going back to work...

The venue will be Reed Hall, Bellingham, NE48 2JP, the first date is Wednesday 5th Jan 13.30-15.30. This is FREE to the villagers of Bellingham - ALL WELCOME (including bottle feeding babies). Anyone outside of Bellingham would be asked to make a small donation towards the hall rental costs

*Only for pregnant ladies and/or babies under 6 months

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Parish Council Meeting
20 July 2022
Starts: 19:00

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